Winneconne News has been providing relevant, community news for over 154 years to Winneconne, WI and the surrounding communities.
Winneconne News and Rogers Printing Solutions was owned by the John Rogers family for over 71 years. After John’s passing in 2023, the family passed the legacy to a new owner in October 2024. Wanting an owner with a strong belief in local news, Lynn Rogers connected with Karen Schneider who founded Oshkosh Herald LLC in January 2018, to provide a weekly community paper for the residents of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Schneider realized the void left by the changing newspaper industry needed to be filled and she and her husband, Jeff, invest in communities knowing the health of Oshkosh, Winneconne and Neenah require a well-informed electorate who understand how local officials are governing. The weekly newspapers cover area prep sports, community organizations and local features and have a combined circulation of more than 55,000.
Dan Roherty and Julie Vandenberg, editor and office manager, joined Schneider in December 2017 and have been major contributors to the company’s success and growth.
Schneider considers the value her products provide for her communities and refers to it as community investment. The family investment is not in capital equipment or real estate, but in people, paper and postage. The product may have no monetary value once consumed, but the information and awareness provided to its communities is priceless.
Winneconne News is a subscription-based weekly newspaper providing relevant community news and information for Winneconne and the surrounding communities.
The Oshkosh Herald and Neenah News are primarily advertising supported. They are subsidized by a membership program where loyal readers pay an annual fee to support the operating costs of the newspapers and its staff. In return, event tickets and special items are offered to the members as a Thank You for their support.
The current printed newspapers of Oshkosh Herald LLC reach more than 55,000 households in Winnebago County.